Getting Started
There are a few pieces of information that we really need from you before you can start having fun with your new system.
Step 1: Sign up for your Funancial SMART Account
In order to use Funancial SMART, you will need to sign up for your Funancial SMART account.
If you are worried about privacy – don’t. All we need is your email address so that we can send you a registration confirmation. Unless you decide otherwise (see Step 3), your email address will only be used to sign in to the system and to provide you with updates on Funancial SMART tasks and features.
- If you already have a Funancial SMART account you can log in here (if you have already logged in before, you can ignore Step 3).
- If you do not have a Funancial SMART account you can sign up for your free account here.
The system will log you in automatically and present you with the “Connect your first company” screen.
Step 2: Connect your first XERO organisation
When you log in for the first time, Funancial SMART will present you with the “Connect your first company” screen.
- Click on the Next button. This will take you to the “Xero Connect” screen. This screen provides you with a guide to the connection process.
- Click on the Continue button. This will redirect you to either the old or the new Xero login page depicted below.
- Enter your Xero login details and click on the Login button. This will take you to the Xero “Select Company” screen.
- Click on the drop down box and select the company that you want to connect to Funancial SMART.
- Click on the Allow Access button
- Funancial SMART will begin importing your Xero Data.
Once the import has completed, you will see a summary of how Funancial Smart has mapped your accounting data to its initial configuration.
Details on how Funancial SMART uses these mappings can be found in the Enhance section of this guide but for now, company settings are far more important.
Click on the Got It button if you have completed Step 3, and head on over to the Dashboard Orientation article.
Step 3: Review Your Privacy settings
The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) states that you have to provide consent before we can allow you to use the system (sorry – we don’t make the rules but we do have to follow them).
Funancial SMART is a cloud-based web application and as such, needs to create and read personalised cookies.
- Toggle the Cookies, Information Storage and Access and Personalisation switches to on
- Before you click on the Save changes button, it would be nice if you would help us to enhance Funancial SMART and …
- Click on the Optional tab
- Toggle the Content Selection and Measurement switches to on (if you are feeling really gracious, you can of course also toggle the Ad selection, Delivery and reporting switch to on)
- Click on the Save changes button (If you are feeling particularly generous, you can also toggle the “Ad selection, Delivery and reporting” switch to the on position before you click on the Save changes button)
- Click on the Save changes button.